Fixing Stuff Around Yourself

Amina Rahim
3 min readDec 18, 2020


I was first introduced to the concept of leadership and leading without authority after joining AMAL Fellowship. Before that I was completely unaware of this concept. My program manager proposed the concept of leadership without authority and assigned project as “ fixing stuff around yourself” as a leader without authority and it sounded more interesting to me while performing this activity.

Leading without authority is simply to take some leadership tasks and immediately put them into practice the planning function as “just do it”.

‘A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step' (Lao Tzu)

Today when I woke up I took the responsibility of acting as a leader without any authority by taking some small steps when no one else took.

First, I’ll show you what my room looked like when I was doing this activity. Then, of course, you’ll get to see what it looks like today! Hope you enjoy it guys!

I looked around all over my room for which stuff needed to be fixed. First I sighed deeply ahh that what kind of project mam has assigned to me:-/. Then I saw that my room’s condition was so bad as all things were not at their actual place. The empty cup and mask on the carpet must be kept in proper place. Blanket on bed must be folded. Decoration pieces, medals and many more things in Shelf were scattered and they need to be fixed. The fan in my room was in bad condition etc. they all needed to be fixed. So here is the picture of my room before fixing the messy stuff.

So, I decided to take the responsibility on myself by cleaning my room. I first folded the blankets, put the cup into the kitchen, adjusted the wall hangings and swept my room. I also adjusted a table in my room as you see in the picture below and I arranged my laptop and some books on this table. I also reset my almari in a proper and in good looking way. This all activity took my almost 1 hour. Now the room is in good condition after fixing stuff.

Here is the picture of my room after fixing stuff.

I feel very delighted after completing this task even though it was not assigned to me. This task demonstrates true leadership without authority as I did it even when I was not authorized to do it, but I took responsibility for it and completed it to the end. These small actions stating from bottom can help us to become top professional leaders.

At the end of this activity, it’s key to remember that we’ll never fully be satisfied. There is always room for improvement. Last but not the least after joining AMAL I’m seeing a lot of positive changes in me.

Keep on loving:-)



Amina Rahim
Amina Rahim

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